Evan Steiner
The inquiry throughout my career has been to explore the roots of global challenges. This has led me to develop expertise in the fields of new economics and governance, whole person development, environment and ecology, mission-driven finance, and strategic philanthropy.
At One Project I focus on exploring and supporting a landscape of initiatives focused on new economics and governance. I have held a number of roles including supporting with research, grantmaking, strategy, organizational development, and programmatic initiatives.
At Whole Person Economy (WPE) I explore economy and society from the lens of ethics, values, and whole person development. I consult with organizations focused on new economics, write on related topics, and coach individuals working to develop expertise in these areas.
Previously I worked at several leading social enterprise and impact investing organizations, including the Impact Hub and Social Capital Markets (SOCAP), where I developed accelerator programs that supported mission-driven entrepreneurs to achieve their goals.
I hold an MBA from Oxford University Saïd Business School with a focus on social finance, a Master's in Environmental Management from UMUC, and a Bachelor's in Music from Indiana University.